Cécile Bally
cecile.bally [at] gmail.com

Distribution, Production & PR
Darcey Bennett
darcey [at] fleeting.live

Inquiries about The Flood | Die Ausschreitung | Le Débordement  &  Über Überüberübermorgen
Frauke Niemann
frau.frauke.niemann [at] gmail.com

Video documentation available on request

For ordering the book "The Flood | Die Ausschreitung | Le Débordement", send an email to Cécile Bally

Photo credits:
Dieter Hartwig /  Über Überüberübermorgen
Amélie Laval, Dieter Hartwig / Die Ausschreitung 
Dieter Hartwig, Dorothea Tuch / The End of the Road
Dieter Hartwig, Steffen Junghanß / The Price Is Right
Mayra Wallraff / Aktion
Gerhard Ludwig / THE SLEEP OF REASON
Tabea Xenia Magyar, Saskia Uppenkamp / ON TRANSITIVITY AND SUCCESS: A SHOE
Alexandre Viard / An organizational study, that's my work
Marc P. Gabriel / The Sea

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